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실리콘밸리 생활

실리콘밸리 캠핑 지역을 소개합니다

by 실리콘밸리 하랑 2024. 1. 9.

실리콘밸리는 다양한 아름다운 캠핑 지역이 있고 방문자들에게 멋진 풍경과 다양한 자연을 선사합니다. 실리콘밸리 근처에서 인기 있는 몇 군데 캠핑 지역을 소개합니다.

  1. Point Reyes National Seashore:
  1. Big Basin Redwoods State Park:
  1. Mount Diablo State Park:
    • Location: East Bay
    • Highlights: Panoramic views of the Bay Area, diverse ecosystems, and challenging hikes.
    • Mount Diablo SP (ca.gov)
  1. Angel Island State Park:
    • Location: San Francisco Bay
    • Highlights: Camping with a view of the San Francisco skyline, historical sites, and hiking trails.
    • Angel Island SP (ca.gov)
  1. Samuel P. Taylor State Park:
  1. Henry W. Coe State Park:
    • Location: South Bay
    • Highlights: Largest state park in Northern California, diverse landscapes, and remote camping.
    • Henry W. Coe SP (ca.gov)
  1. Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park:
    • Location: Big Sur (a bit farther south but worth mentioning)
    • Highlights: Majestic redwoods, hiking trails, and proximity to the stunning Big Sur coastline.
    • Pfeiffer Big Sur SP (ca.gov)
  1. Mount Tamalpais State Park:

Remember to check the availability of campsites, make reservations if necessary, and be mindful of park regulations and weather conditions before planning your camping trip.